Kami menyediakan bahan baku dari seluruh dunia dengan kualitas tinggi, harga kompetitif dan mengikuti standar peraturan setempat. Kami memastikan semua pemasok kredibel dan menjamin kualitas untuk setiap batch yang disediakan.

API : Mannitol, Pregabalin, Ursodeoxycholic, Amlodipine, etc
Excipients : PVP Series, Glycerine, Sorbitol, Cetostearyl Alcohol, Conjugated
Linoleic Acid, Isopropyl Alcohol, etc
Nutraceutical : Plan Extracts, Fish Peptide, Fish Oil
Vitamins : Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, LHPC, HPMC, SSG, CMC-Na, CMC-Ca, Corn Starch (Pharma Grade)

PT CBC Prima telah memiliki Sertifikat BPOM CDOB

Farmasi berkontribusi pada industri farmasi melalui penyediaan API bernilai tambah tinggi dengan memanfaatkan kemampuan informasi kami sebagai perusahaan perdagangan.

EHUA Pharmaceutical Excipients is the leader of Chinese Pharmaceutical Excipients. By establishing a quality management system, their quality meets the pharmacopeia standards of China, USA, Europe, Japan. Offer customized products and technical services, drug formulation solutions and product application service.

Procos S.p.A. is our wholly owned subsidiary, specializing in the development, scale-up and production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), advanced intermediates and related services for the pharmaceutical industry wherein our core business sectors include custom synthesis and Generic API manufacturing. Located over an area
of 110,000 sq. meter on the outskirts of Milan, Italy; our manufacturing site has a cutting-edge multipurpose plant, fully designed under cGMP compliance and the company has been inspected and approved by major regulatory authorities including AIFA, FDA, and PMDA.

Mari Mengubah Dunia
